Stop counting down the days until you finally start getting paid what you’re worth. Imagine working hard and get compensated for the extra effort you put in. With or without a college degree, our average entry level rep makes $1,600+ a week during their first 3 months. They average $3,000+ a week during months 3-6, and up from there. Our top 7 managers averaged over $250,000, and their median age is 23.5.
There’s no reason you can’t make great money if you develop a set of skills and are willing to work hard to put them to use. We believe young adults shouldn’t settle for less. What would you do if you made $1,000+ a week? $2,000? $3,000? Would you fund your education? Upgrade your ride? Take that dream vacation? Buy a house? Whatever your financial goals, we can help you get there.